Elevated Whole Brain Activity – simulates the growth of dendrites* within the brain – *(Each of our 100 billion active neurons or brain cells has a cell-body or nucleus. Effectively all of these cells are present when we are born, but each can sprout up to 20,000 branches or dendrites, which grow like trees to store information – Our MEMORIES.)
Strengthened neural pathways – you have greater accessibility to and from your memories [both new and old] which also helps your brain and body to work better
Hemispheric balancing – two sides of your brain deal with different things, the better integration you have between 2 sides of brain, better you are at everything you do
Heightened neural communication between the conscious and the subconscious
More memory capacity and accesses from your old and new memory
Quicker and clearer thinking and decision making
Better comprehension of daily material
Richard Welch Explains: |
Reading, Memory, and Mental Photography |
Holistic applications and client experiences |
Intuitive Management and Fortune 500 CEOs |
The Brain Management Process |
Wealth creation application |
Richard’s personal advantage |